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Osteopathy is a gentle and effective treatment for everyone that emphasizes the body’s ability to heal itself. Osteopathic practitioners encourage this self-healing capacity through manual treatment. Based on the pioneering work of A.T. Still, osteopathy is a science that relies on manual contact for diagnosis and treatment. Osteopathy removes tensions and restrictions in the body to encourage structural and physiological harmony. It respects the relationship of mind, body and spirit.

Osteopathic Manual Practitioner



What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a profession that makes extensive use of manual diagnosis and treatment guided by the principles set forth by its founder, Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. Osteopathy emphasizes the interrelationship between structure and function of the body. Osteopaths are functional anatomists who use manual therapy. They find the health, rather than focus on disease. Osteopathic treatment works to restore proper body mechanics, nerve impulses and the circulation of body fluids.

What is Osteopathic Manual Therapy?

Osteopathy is a profession that makes extensive use of manual diagnosis and treatment guided by the principles set forth by its founder, Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. Osteopathy emphasizes the interrelationship between structure and function of the body. Osteopaths are functional anatomists who use manual therapy. They find the health, rather than focus on disease. Osteopathic treatment works to restore proper body mechanics, nerve impulses and the circulation of body fluids.

What is a Manual Osteopath?

Osteopaths are educated and trained to work exclusively without the use of drugs or surgery by using manual methods for diagnosis and treatment. This is the predominant method of education worldwide outside of the USA and it is what is currently present in Canada. An Osteopath in this context is different from an Osteopathic physician.

What is an Osteopathic Physician?

Osteopathic physicians are educated in schools of Osteopathic Medicine and are licensed and credentialed to an unrestricted scope of medical practice in the USA. This is the only country in the world offering a recognized medical degree in Osteopathic medicine. Most of these practitioners work in medical settings in much the same way as an M.D. does, practicing in almost all medical specialties. Additionally, these practitioners may be eligible for medical licensing in many countries outside the USA.

Osteopathy Pricing

15 Minute Complementary Consultation

60 Minute Manual Osteopathic Treatment $153.00
As of March 2024

Payment Methods

>  Payment is due on receipt of service.
>  All prices above include HST.

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