Our Pricing

To continue to provide you with the highest quality in professional care, we will be increasing our service fees. Effective November 1st 2024.

Our new fee schedule will be as follows:

Massage Therapy

Duration Standard HotStone CranioSacral Indie Head Massage
90 Minute Session $155.00 $195.00 $170.00 $165.00
75 Minute Session $140.00 $165.00 $150.00 -
60 Minute Session $120.00 $140.00 $130.00 -
45 Minute Session $105.00 - - $120.00
30 Minute Session $90.00 - - -

Add Cupping Therapy to your massage therapy session - +$5.00


Duration Standard With RMT
90 Minute Session $130.00 -
75 Minute Session $115.00 -
60 Minute Session $100.00 n/a
45 Minute Session $85.00 n/a

Add VibroAcoustic Therapy (VAT) to your reflexology therapy session - +$35.00


Duration Standard Cosmetic Shiatsu Fusion
90 Minute Session - $180.00 $150 $175.00
75 Minute Session $150.00 - - -
60 Minute Session $125.00 - $130.00 -
45 Minute Session - $110.00 - -

Reiki Energy Healing

Duration Standard + Medical Intuitive + Sound Therapy + Oracle Card
90 Minute Session $135.00 $145.00 $145.00 $140.00
60 Minute Session $105.00 - - $110.00

Payment Methods

>  Payment is due on receipt of service.
>  All prices above include HST.

Now Offering Direct Billing to Most Extended Health Care Plans! Only available for Massage Therapy Services. (learn more)
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